A Favorite Scripture Verse of Elder Butler

"And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me: for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." ~ Ether 12:27 (A favorite verse of scripture from Elder Butler.)

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Giving All our Heart, Might, Mind, and Strength

Hello Family!

It's been another long short week here in the furthest area in the mission. :) But we have been seeing much success and our zone is definitely on the up swing from what I can see so far.

This last week I was able to give my first training to our Zone on the things that we were trained on in our Mission Leaders Conference in Bacolod, and despite having spent over 12 hours on the bus in the previous two days and very much lacking on a good nights rest, I've never felt more comfortable in presenting a training before and I could feel the spirit edifying me even in the moment as I relayed the training of the Assistants to our Zone.

It mostly centered on obedience and giving all of our heart, might, mind, and strength to the Lord (D&C 4:2) and it definitely helped put a little more spiritual fuel in my tank to take on the assignment that I've received.

I hope you enjoy the pictures I sent! There are some pictures of parts of my area (the rural parts) and me with a ferret type animal that we can across.

It's strange for me to think of Dad as not being a bishop anymore. It kind of makes me think of what it will be like to lose the mantle of being a full time missionary, which doesn't sound very desirable at the moment to me. I'll miss not being able to come home to the Waxhaw ward! I feel like of any of the wards that I've grown up in, the Waxhaw ward has felt the most like home, but I know that Weddington ward will be great as well, and has plenty of opportunities for us to serve.

That's all for today!

I love you all!

~Elder Butler

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