A Favorite Scripture Verse of Elder Butler

"And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me: for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." ~ Ether 12:27 (A favorite verse of scripture from Elder Butler.)

Monday, September 30, 2013

A Beautiful Blessing Story

I promised this story last week so here it goes.

So some background first. Sister Clarita (or "Lola" which basically means grandma here) is 84 years old, grew up in Bacolod and is a devout Catholic. Her husband died several years ago and she never had any children. She has been living with a member family for a year and has been actually going to church for a long time, with most of the members thinking she was already a member.  But upon further inquiry we found out she wasn't and asked her if she would be taught and she agreed.
Another thing to add is that Clarita is very deaf, not completely though, but enough to where we were almost "shouting" the whole lesson at her. She was fine with being taught, but 84 years of Catholicism it pretty hard to change, and she had a hard time grasping a lot of the concepts, especially about needing to be baptized "again".

So now comes the blessing story. One day we came by to teach her again, and she was not in a very good state with her body. Everything hurt, and she said that she was unable to rest all the night before and that her head was in significant pain constantly. I remember very vividly as she told us with tears how it was almost too much for her to bear, and that she was praying to the Lord to just take her right then and just end the pain. We taught her then about the part in 3 Nephi where Jesus healed the sick and afflicted, and told them that it was because their faith was sufficient. Now Lola's faith in Jesus Christ, all be it based in what she grew up in, was very apparent and strong.  So we offered to give her a Priesthood blessing, and added that the Priesthood that we held was an evidence of the truth of the restored gospel.

So we sat her in a chair and my companion performed the anointing and I gave the blessing. I was at first a little worried, since I knew that the chance that Lola would be able to hear the blessing was small, due to her hardness of hearing, but I felt the Spirit direct my words as I gave that blessing in Ilonggo, and I remember adding something along the lines of "your time hasn't come yet, your work isn't finished..." and other things, and as I closed I knew that somehow she understood what I had said.

After the blessing she grabbed both mine and my companion's hands and with tears of gratitude thanked us for what we had done. She said the pain in her head was gone, and she was so happy and looked so much more at peace. She then said that she knew we were sent from God and that she wanted to be baptized in our church as soon as possible. I knew that as she was looking at us with such great love and gratitude that it wasn't really for me, but she was looking at Jesus Christ, and recognized the power that we held.

She is going to be baptized this Saturday, and even though her health is still in decline and she has a harder and harder time understanding the concepts, every time we teach her she says "So when am I getting baptized? Soon?" Even though I haven't known her for very long, I truly love that woman, and I know that she loves us. Just another time where I have felt the honor of being able to stand in Christ's place and show His love to others.

And that is all for today! I love you all! About the baptism photos, I sometimes perform the baptisms for the Sisters, and there was a big stake baptism where our whole zone had their candidates baptized right before stake conference. I am also kept very busy doing interviews for our district here. I think if I were to estimate, I've probably personally interviewed somewhere around 30 candidates since I've arrived here.
I hope you are all well!

~Elder Butler

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