A Favorite Scripture Verse of Elder Butler

"And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me: for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." ~ Ether 12:27 (A favorite verse of scripture from Elder Butler.)

Thursday, March 13, 2014

"We Want to be Missionaries Like You..."

Elder Butler with a group of missionary leaders at Zone Conference in Bacolod.

Elder Butler giving a training session to the other mission leaders at Zone Conference.

Hello Family!

So in explanation of the few days late email, today is my P-day [preparation-day] instead of what is usually is supposed to be on Monday. Reason being that we have zone conference this week up in Bacolod and we are all staying over night in Bacolod, which is a 6 hour bus ride from our zone approximately. So for the sake of the work we've postponed our P-day a few day to use our time more effectively.

Ah! In more news about the four young women: They are all doing great, every time I go by they make me smile with how fast they are growing in their testimony. The other day we came by after they had just finished a group study they conducted themselves (which always makes me smile) and they asked almost a little shyly "Elders?.... would we be allowed to maybe go with you two to some of your other people you teach? We want to observe and learn how to teach other people better because we want to be missionaries like you are when we get older."

I was smiling about ear to ear again at hearing that wonderful question. :) 

We found out recently that they are planning on splitting the area to add Sister missionaries to the branch, and the areas that we would be giving the the Sisters will include this wonderful group of girls (although the Sisters won't be arriving until after their baptism), so I told them that once the Sisters come they can work with them as much as they liked (with permission of their parents of course).

Also another small miracle was that we were able to get R's mother to sign the baptismal record yesterday allowing her to be baptized. R kept telling us over and over again how her mother said she wouldn't sign it so we were a little concerned, but it just so happened that we were able to catch her mother in a good mood while the branch president was with us. Rhodalyn was practically jumping up and down for joy after her mom gave the signature. We still have to get permission for the other three (all three of them live in the same house, so we have to pray for the right time to come along) but I'm not too worried. With the combined faith of these four girls I know mountains would move for them to get baptized.

We actually do teach a lot of other wonderful people (so many that I have a hard time keeping them all straight without the area book, albeit a good problem to have).

That's about all that I have for today.

I love you all so much!

~Elder Butler

President and Sister Lopez with mission leaders

Always a yummy feast at the mission home!!!

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