A Favorite Scripture Verse of Elder Butler

"And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me: for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." ~ Ether 12:27 (A favorite verse of scripture from Elder Butler.)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Bible! A Bible! We have got a Bible...

Hello Family!

This week has been rather fast for me and I'm having a hard time thinking of the important points...

Although in general news, I can definitely feel my faith and understanding of the love of Jesus Christ growing daily. 

What I think has helped me as well was my companion and I being able to go on exchanges with the Assistants to the mission president assigned to our part of the mission (having 4 APs in our mission because it is so large) and I was able to just have a good time working and still having fun at the same time, of course within mission standards.
It was nice to see the APs, who I know are under much more pressure and stress than I am, just be able to enjoy the moments when they can.

So I made a resolution to try to relax a little more, in the right way that is, and start just enjoying the moment when I can. As long as I can account to my Heavenly Father and say "I've done all that I could this day and did better today than I did yesterday, and I'll do better tomorrow than I did today" then I also have a right to be at peace and know that that is exactly what He expects of me. Nothing more and nothing less.

As far as the work is concerned, I have some not so happy news about the "golden contacts". I visited them again yesterday and the wife had prayed for a sign to know if they should continue being taught, and the following night she had nightmares/very negative dreams, from which she took to be her answer and would have nothing more to do with being taught, justifying it by wanting "evidence" that The Book of Mormon is true and saying that they don't need anything more than The Bible etc., etc... the usual.

I could tell that she was full of fear and doubt because of her experience and I taught about how God will never make us afraid and how nothing negative or no negative feelings can come from God, citing what Mom has pounded into my brain through repetition, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind" (2 Timothy 1:7), but it was too late. I could tell her pride and her fear had hardened her and there wasn't much more I could do.
Brother hadn't read yet, but he'll follow his wife.

I ceremoniously read 2 Nephi chapters 28-29 after these kinds of experiences and comfort myself with the knowledge that it has all been prophesied and that I did all I could to be a witness.

I hope you are all doing well! Keep keeping the faith!

I love you all!

~Elder Butler

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